Trust me.. You Didn't Learn this in School.

Find out How To

This is not your average, "how to set up your resume course."  This is a nofilter approach to landing your first high school teaching position by actually knowing what you are talking about!

I have been a teacher for 18 years, a teacher leader for 10, and "official" coach for 2 ("official" only because I have been doing it for years and finally have the cool title :)

You have probably been told things like

use the buzz words


create an engaging demo lesson

Yeah, Obviously!

But I'm gonna tell you the real deal, what you need, what to say, and what to avoid!


This is a free 5-day email course that will show you how to prepare for your interview and demo class.

Each day for 5 days you'll receive a lesson right in your inbox.

Like I said this is not your average course.  And this is not for everyone, as I am going to give you a glimpse into what we see from the other side.

If you are ready to land that first teaching job like a pro then


After looking at hundreds of resumes, interviews, and demos gone wrong...let me show you how to go right!


If you share with a friend, you will be eligible for a FREE one-on-one coaching session with me, where we will go through your resume, cover letter, demo, and interview to make sure you are ready to Land Your First Teaching Position!

Can't wait to see you in there!